Tuesday, July 4, 2017

goat health

      Hi   I am so sorry I am not posting much I am busy on my farm.

So lets talk about goat heath.  so goat bloat is when a goat eats to much rich green grass and they cry out in pain.  goats can get lung worm. lung worm is when goats have worms in the lungs.
goats can get foot rot . foot rot is when the hoof is rotting .what you have to do for foot rot is you trim the hooves . goats can get tetanus. tetanus  is when a goat gets cut.

Chicken health chickens can get egg bound. Egg bound is when the chicken has  a egg stuck in the vent.
What you do for egg bound is you put preparation H up the vent and the egg will pass.
you can sock the hen in worm water for 20 minutes . Chicken can get peritonitis that is when the egg does not have a yolk.  And what you do is  you have to put the chicken to sleep. chickens can have heat strokes.

we have runner ducks and 2 horses now.

1 comment:

  1. You know what illnesses your animals can gt. They are so blessed to belong to you.
