Wednesday, August 30, 2017

goats,chickens,horses,ducks and ofter farm updates.

So the farm is doing good .

We have horses and ducks now. The goats are good and they are loving the cooler air . The horses love the grass and they love the attention they get. The goats love their food too and they go nuts over the feed. The chickens are giving us a lot of eggs and we are geting 10 eggs a day from 20 chickens.  I have one rooster that is in his own pen and his name is Rocky and he is a barred rock that crows at 4:00 am. The ducks LOVE water. The garden is doing good .  We are geting a lot of stuff, like squash and cucumbers and tomatoes.  We have accidental pumpkins growing in our compost pile.  I do the chores at 7:30pm. The goats get 17 percent goat feed and the chickens get egg layer feed. The ducks get duck feed and the horses get 12 percnt horse feed.  The goats love hay .  The horses love hay too.  I hope you have a nice day!!!!!!!!

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