Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fall eggs

It has been a very busy summer.  I am back to school and have lots to tell you about my farm.
I got my goats.  Their names are blackberry and Jack.  They are both make goats, which means I can not milk them.  They love bean plants and treats.  They love to get brushed and have tons of attention.  Tons!

Jack.                                                       Blackberry

We have gotten more meat birds and have butchered them and sold most of them.  They taste so good and it is good to know where your food is coming from.
We just ordered more meat birds and a show bird.  I'll talk about my show bird later.
We decided to get a few regular fast growing  cornish cross meat birds and also we are going to try some dark cornish slower growing meat birds this time.  We will see if they taste different.

So I am getting a show bird.  It is a Silver gray Dorking hen.  Her name is going to be Daisy.
This is what she will look like when she is older
I am excited to get her because they are a calm breed of chicken.  They are very good with children and should be a great show bird.  I am going to show the bird at the Allegany County Fair next summer.
The egg layers have been busy laying eggs.  We have gotten between 8-10 eggs per day.  My girls like to free range all day and eat bugs, grass and worms.  They are so fun to watch.  Sometimes they take dust baths and it looks like they are flopping around, but they are just kicking dirt up.
We built a Rooster house for our 2 roosters.  This will be for our breeding stock.  I have Rocky. He is a pure bred barred rock rooster. His temperament is so calm.  Our other rooster is Spock. He is aggressive and attacks you when you go in the pen.  He is a silkie so he is real fluffy.
I hope you are enjoying your fall.
You can join me and please like my page on Facebook at

Have an egg-cellant day

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing all your chickens again. And Jack and Blackberry.
