Monday, April 6, 2015

Chicken Breeds......

Today we are going to talk about different chicken breeds.  Which ones are good to have for eggs, which ones are not good for eggs and which ones are for meat.

Let's talk about Rhode Island Reds first.   This breed is excellent for a beginner and I highly recommend this breed.  They produce nice, large brown eggs.  They are friendly and calm.   Everyone seems to like them.  

Barred Rock chickens are good egg layers as well.  They produce large, plentiful, brown eggs.  They are calm and make good backyard chickens.

Buff Orpington chicks are good egg and meat chickens.  They also make nice backyard chickens because they are sweet birds.  They also lay brown eggs.   These chickens are good for colder climates.

Red Ranger birds are good for meat.  They grow quickly and live well in a cage or free range.  

Now we will talk about breeds of chickens that just look cute but don't offer much else. 

Silkies only produce one egg per day and they are very small. These chickens are cute and make fun pets.

Last, we will talk about Modern game birds.  These chickens don't lay good eggs and aren't good meat birds.  They are only for ornamental purposes.  They look like part chicken and part human.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel, I never saw a Silkie before. They are really cool. I am really enjoying reading your blog!
