Saturday, March 28, 2015

Healthy Chicks

Today we are going to talk about chicken health and things to look for when you own chicks or are going to buy them.

When looking for chicks you want to make sure they are eating and drinking well.
 The next thing you should check for is to make sure the chicks have bright, clear eyes and straight toes.  
Patsy or Pasty Butt is a bad thing that can kill a chick very quickly.  It is a serious problem but it can be treated.  
Pasty Butt is when the vent (poop hole) gets clogged.  This can happen during shipping or if the chick is stressed.
My cousin has chicks and she gave her baby a chick spa when it got pasty butt.  She filled a tub with warm epsom salt water. Here is a picture of her.
Here is a cool video of a person talking about Pasty Butt and taking care of one of her chicks.

I hope you enjoyed this.  

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Danny! You'll do great when you get your chicks.
