Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Summer

I'm back.   I'm so sorry I haven't posted lately.  I have been very busy with my farm and school.   We just finished our school today so my summer has started.

We changed our plans on the farm.  We now have meat birds as well as our egg layers.  Last week we butchered our first round of meat birds.  It went well and it was fun.  It was fun when it was over.
My dad built a plucker but the motor was to small for the size of the birds.  He is going to get a bigger motor.    Our meat birds weighed almost 4 pounds by the time we stuck them in the freezer.  They are going to taste yummy.  After we eat one, we will have the next round for sale.

This week I am getting goats.  They are two wethered goats, which means they are castrated males, they can't breed.  Their names are Jack and Blackberry.   Jack is a \Saanan and Blackberry is a French Alpine.
My dad and I are getting the goat pasture ready.   Yesterday we were outside looking for electric rope fence from our old horse pasture.  We collected enough rope for the goat pasture.   We need to put in the fence posts today and then attach the fence.   Then it can get hooked to the electric so they won't get out.  I don't want them to get out because they will eat my moms flowers.

The egg layer business has been going really good.   We got a few new chickens.  One is a black australorp.  Her name is Annie.  My sister got a silky bantam, her name is Spock.  She also has two small bantams.  Their names are Duke and Zeke.
We have been getting 9-10 eggs per day.    I sell them for $2.00 per dozen.  I also sell shirts and hats now.   The t-shirts are $15.00 and the hats are $10.00
We give our chickens lots of treats, such as watermelon, cantalope, bread and corn and Kale.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that my most favorite chicken died because of a fox.  Her name was Hannah.

We put a fan down at the chicken coop to keep them cool.   The meat birds get over-heated and can have heart attacks.  They are just fat and lazy.

I hope you all have a very nice day.  Enjoy your summer.